Decide which corporate entity or legal structure is most advantageous to your business with Shindelrock’s Corporate Entity Choice Analysis
Deciding which corporate entity or legal structure is most advantageous to your business can be complicated. Is an LLC the right type of legal structure, or might an S-Corp. give your business improved tax advantages? Does one type limit or enhance your options when it comes time to sell or change ownership? Could the right corporate structure for your business now be the wrong choice for your business in five years?
The right decision takes into consideration a multitude of factors, including your projections for the direction the business may take in the future.
Schedule your Corporate Entity Choice Analysis
To get started on your custom Corporate Entity Choice Analysis, simply email [email protected] to schedule an initial consultation, during which we’ll discuss your particular situation and securely request the last three years of tax returns (business and personal), as well as your projections for changes in the business, such growth or declines, your future plans for selling the business if any, and more.
Within 10 business days of securely receiving your information, we’ll deliver you a written report explaining the impact of maintaining your existing corporate structure versus switching to another one (for example, an LLC to an S-Corporation).