Maria specializes in tax planning and compliance for individuals, estates, trusts and mid-market businesses. Adept at interpreting tax legislation and its myriad applications, Maria works with clients to maximize their tax advantage and establish strategies for gifting and estate planning. She is a trusted strategic advisor to clients ranging from business owners in service-based industries and professional practices to high net worth individuals.
She also leads the firm’s litigation support team, assessing value and damages for clients involved in matters such as business disputes, marital dissolution, and business acquisitions. She assists legal teams with report preparation and analysis, tracing of assets, asset valuation, investigation of financial statements, and expert testimony in court if necessary.
Maria is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants, and has earned accreditations as an MAFF (Master Analyst in Financial Forensics) and a Certified Valuation Analyst. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Lawrence Technological University and Masters of Science in Taxation with a concentration in Estate Planning from Walsh College. Maria has been named to the "Accounting Today" Managing Partner Elite list and was the organization's Accountant of the Month. She is a rock climbing enthusiast who stays in shape on the ground with regular Cross Fit workouts.